星期一, 12月 28, 2009

Stereoscopic Independent short video

Dear Friends,

I am going to do some Stereo works to join this exhibition:


So the first experiment will be shooted at Central. I need actor/actress, stylist, crew, etc. The format is something in between photo and video. I regard it as "Video Portrait".

I have to finish this before 15 Jan 2010. Production time is really short. I guess I will do most of the shots at night (or mid-night). I am trying to arrange a meeting soon.

If u r busy but u still want to support, u can make a donation. haha~


technical testing:

星期五, 10月 23, 2009

marketing lecture



星期日, 10月 18, 2009

if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper

Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.

Desire for an idea is like bait. When you’re fishing, you have to have patience. You bait your hook, and then you wait. The desire is the bait that pulls those fish in—those ideas.

David Lynch

watch DVD

終於有空看 DVD, 上次响書城買番來


01 偷自行车的人 the bicycle Thief
02 罗马,不设防城市 Rome, Open City
03 艰辛的米 Riso amaro
04 擦鞋童 Shoejhine
05 米兰奇迹 Miracle in Milan
06 大地在波动 the Earth will Tremble
07 德意志零年 Germania anno zero
08 游击队 paisa
09孩子在看着我们 children are watching us
10 小美人 Bellissima
11温培尔托D Umberto D
12 沉沦 Ossessione

睇巴贊 D 文時有提及這個時期, 上月看完偷自行车的人, 甚有共嗚......
正在看游击队, 但睇到一半成日read 唔到......

星期六, 10月 17, 2009

motion texture

Motion texture for Msc MET from Cheng Ka Chun on Vimeo.

CG Animation for an interactive display in

Msc MET Graduation Show 2009.



星期三, 9月 16, 2009

books - 阿宅,你已經死了!



星期五, 8月 28, 2009

星期三, 8月 26, 2009

waiting for CS4 support New Color Science


星期日, 8月 02, 2009

Nikon D300S is coming


Manual Exposure in Video mode ????

星期六, 8月 01, 2009

recent reading ( Aug )


我係好尊敬卓老怪,因為我當年入唔到 CTV 好失意,我讀 marketing 唔係 commu 人走去 sit 堂但佢冇拒絕我,其中一堂佢派咗 Andre Bazin 一篇文章 〝電影語言的演進〞,令我初次接觸法國新浪潮,開始走堂到 BU Library 睇高達 等人的 VHS,雖然好多時睇到訓着....大學之前覺得重慶森林好正,點知原來世上重有套嘢叫斷了氣,即時覺得自己係井底蛙...


我係安藤忠雄 fans,佢二+歲時在一家舊書攤偶然瀏覧了《柯比意作品全集》,當他發現柯比意並非建築專業訓練出身,而是跟他一樣自學建築時,他彷彿對柯比意懷著一種親切感,從柯比意身上得到莫大的勇氣。目前我已讀過市面上能找到的安藤忠雄書籍 (大陸和台灣),一知半解,今日開始嘗試認識柯比意,希望好似村上隆所謂:打開歷史的抽屜可以看見未來。


打從我日本雜誌之時已經開始見到佢 D 相,我冇睇過佢 D 文章,但被佢 D 作品吸引,好奇怪....明明D 相好似龍虎豹果 D....但又有種莫名其妙的魅力...再加上我 D 台灣 Flickr friend 都睇呢本書.....咁就買咗

星期四, 7月 30, 2009

rendering 70000 objects with Vray in 30 seconds



clarification for RED Raw


Point of clarification: for a long time the term RAW was used interchangeably with the term uncompressed - that is not what is meant by RAW in RED world. IF you have a newer, higher end digital still camera you may have noticed that it offers RAW or JPEG image types - in this world, as with the RedOne, RAW refers to uncorrected sensor data.

There are a number of advantages to having access to all the information the sensor originally captured, even though it may look flat and have a color cast (particularly with a Bayer pattern CFA, but let's not get too technical until you understand the basics). In order to turn this RAW data set into a pretty picture it needs to be de-bayered and (typically) turned into an RGB image that can be used in common editors and other image manipulation tools.

The cool part is that you get to have input into the specifics of that conversion process when "developing" the RAW data set into RGB rather than being stuck with a pre-determined matrix that simply makes a conservative "best guess". Beyond that, if you have mis-exposed footage or a less than perfect color balance you can adjust that with much less degradation of the image. You also have a much greater range of color and can execute creative "looks" with much greater precision and the ability to preserve specific aspects of the image while messing around with others.
quote from Blair S. Paulsen at Reduser.net

For the record, RedCode is based on a wavelet codec and is compressed in the neighborhood of 10:1. One of the amazing things about the way Graeme and the Red Team have done this, is that the compression has very little negative impact on the image and makes the size of the files the camera creates manageable on newer desktop computer systems. Common and affordable tools like the newest Final Cut and Adobe Production Suites running on proper hardware (plenty of RAM, newer CPUs, decent GPUs, etc) can handle the job for less than $10,000 including a reasonably decent monitor (the HP DreamColor comes to mind).

The typical track for "roll your own" correction and post is to open the r3d files from the camera in one of the free RED apps (Red Alert is the easiest to learn or perhaps the recently released RedCineX), then play with the image until you like it and transcode it into a format appropriate for your NLE and project deliverables. There are better and faster (and more expensive and/or complex) ways but I suggest you start with the above and go from there. BTW, there are some tutorial videos and tons of information all over this forum so if you are serious and have some background in this field you can figure it out.

If you are interested in someone teaching you all this stuff, RED has recently started REDucation. If that doesn't suit you, there are a number of folks like myself who can be hired to tutor. Best of luck-

Cheers- #19

星期六, 7月 25, 2009

My short video

I check the referrer from my Vimeo.
I never know my short video was mentioned in a France Website:

Shanghai filmé avec le Nikon D90


"Qui aurait imaginé qu’on filmerait un jour les courts-métrages avec un appareil photo ?

Ce court-métrage de Cheng Ka Chun a été tourné à Shanghai le 12 décembre 2008 avec un appareil photo reflex, le Nikon D90, au format HD (1280×720 pixels). C’est la première fois qu’un appareil photo fournit une telle qualité vidéo au point d’être comparable à celle d’un caméscope. Bien sûr, tous les plans du film sont tournés en plan fixe et sans zoom mais le résultat est bluffant. Le réalisateur s’est même permis de tourner de nuit en jouant sur la profondeur de champ (scène où elle tape sur son téléphone pendant que l’on aperçoit derrière elle le portier de l’hotel). Je laisse le mot de la fin à l’auteur du film :


星期二, 7月 21, 2009

Shooting for my exhibition

Originally uploaded by mckachun

Thanks all of you~!!

Maggie, Roxane

Gilbert, Yin (Chu), Joanne, Sang,

Hari, Paul, Wing, Ho Yin

Make up:

Art department:
KaKa, Bonnie, Cammei, Sum Yui,
Fion, Shirley,Mandy

Special thanks:
Ringo Tang for camera
Peter for Studio
Ah Chung
Ah Choi

星期五, 7月 17, 2009

星期二, 7月 14, 2009

make up reference

Mood reference

To some extent, the mood is pretty close to these screen cap from movie "virgin Suicides".
Click the thumbnail to enlarge~!


星期一, 7月 13, 2009

new PC

Intel Core i7 920 2.66G
Asus P6T
Seagate 750GB 32MB
Nvidia GTX275
Lian Li ATX Case
Delta 750W Powersupply


我的東歐行儲備又減少....希望真係 work...

星期六, 7月 11, 2009

星期三, 7月 08, 2009

RED intro videos

How to use the RED ONE camera - basics

How to connect the Red Drive to the RED ONE camera

How to use the RED ONE CAMERA program buttons

How to navigate the RED ONE video submenu

How to setup your RED ONE project settings & format media

How to learn RED ONE monitor menu differences

About REdCine

and u can find more videos on that pages

星期五, 6月 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by mckachun

我唔係MJ fans, 但當年都比佢 D MV 嚇親, 結果忍痛買咗餅 原裝VHS
果時我仲係中學生, 仲係用两部錄影機做剪接...

星期日, 6月 14, 2009



昨天看了 coco before Chanel

情節的推進是典型的,但人物是存有瞹眛性 ( 我認為 )


星期五, 5月 15, 2009

LV exhibition in HK


2009.05.22 – 08.09專題展覽廳(1) (二樓) 當代香港藝術展覽廳及大堂 (二樓) 專題展覽廳(2) (三樓) 香港藝術館外牆

星期一, 5月 11, 2009

